Working Group 2 of GameTable is starting a monthly webinar series focused on the Cultural Heritage of Games!
We are seeking GameTable members to give a talk about your work with games. We are particularly interested in people who are working at the intersection of AI and games heritage as the main focus of the Action, but it is equally important to showcase traditional research on games and heritage.

We are looking to fill a one-hour timeslot each month. This means your talk could be 45 minutes (with 15 minutes for questions), or we can pair up two 20-minute talks (with ten minutes questions for each). After the webinar takes place, we will post the recording of your talk to the GameTable YouTube page (with your consent, of course).

Please sign up with the form at this link. Once we have a sufficient number of responses, we will put together a schedule.

We look forward to learning more about what everyone is doing! Please reach out if you have any questions.